fredag 26 april 2013

Friday 26/4

Hi 7a,

Today, you will present your work about English speaking countries.

While one group presents their work, the others do the following:

1. Write a text where you evaulate the work about the English speaking countries, the work with the chapters in Happy, and your own performance/achievement. Use the following hats as a help: red, yellow, black, green and blue.

2. Go to Unikum and check your "Bedömningsmatris". What do you need to improve? What do you need to work with? Write it down as well.

3. Go to Happy and think about what chapter you want to work with in the following weeks. In what ways should we work with it? What goals should we have? How should your work be evaluated? What grammar should be part of the theme?

The text should be in English. Post it on your blog, tag it with English.

Good luck / Josefin

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